Wine Not?

What better way to celebrate senior year than to get class credit for drinking wine?

I am already a huge wine fan, and I can't wait to learn more about how to describe different kinds of wine, and which kinds I like best. Until now, I can confidently say I prefer red wine over white wine, and I know that I like Pinot Noir every time I try it. However, I can't honestly say I can tell a big different between different kinds of red wine. Unless I try them back-to-back, red wine is red wine to me! If it's hot outside, though, I'll go for white wine or rose. 

Last summer, I studied abroad in London, England, and visited Paris, France and Venice, Italy with my family. These trips really opened the door for me actually preferring wine, and wanting to drink it over a cocktail. Additionally, my entire family loves a good bottle of red wine with dinner. I would say I most often drink wine with my family and/or casually with friends (wine Wednesday, wine and cheese nights). Generally, I choose to drink wine any time that I want to have a drink but am not planning on getting too crazy, which occurs more often as I get older.

Trying out white wine in Bristol, England (left).
Wine flight in Venice, Italy (above).

Right now, I feel like I know more than the average person my age about wine. For example, I have an aerator, use a decanter and know that you should hold white wine by the stem to avoid getting finger prints on the glass since it's cold. In this class, I hope to learn what particular kinds of red wine I enjoy, and how to describe them to other people (i.e. earthy, fruity, etc.). Right now, my favorite red wines are Decoy and 19 Crimes, which is probably amateur... But at least it's a step up from boxed Franzia!

Example of my favorite types of appetizers: Decoy red wine and a charcuterie board. 
Credit: Cedar Ridge Country Club in Tulsa, OK.

After reading the syllabus, I'm looking forward to learning about cheese and wine pairings, going to local places (like Blu Wine & Food) to try the course-related set up and hosting dinner parties. Many of my roommates are already looking forward to the dinner parties I'll host, too! I couldn't help but jump on the opportunity to take this class and I can't wait to learn more about wine.

The housewives of Norman, OK (my roommates and I) can't wait to cheers all semester!
